
Jeong-do Management

Jeong-do Management programs

LX Glas operates Jeong-do Management programs to become a respected company.

  • 01
    Jeong-do Management Organizational Structure

    LX Glas established the Ethics Bureau directly under the CEO’s office, dedicated to the systematic implementation of Jeong-do Management programs.

  • 02
    Jeong-do Management Training / Raising Awareness

    We conduct a variety of training, including customized training for new junior and experienced employees, as well as managers and directors. We implement a variety of channels including the Jeong-do Management newsletter, quizzes and events in an effort to instill Jeong-do Management in our organizational culture.

  • 03
    Incentive System for Management Improvement

    We receive recommendations for ways to prevent risk, improve management practices, and to promote the corporate culture of Jeong-do Management.

  • 04
    Commitment to Jeong-do Management

    Employees express their commitment to complying with LX’s Code of Ethics and principles of Jeong-do Management through signing the Jeong-do Management Action Pledge and Anti-Corruption Regulation Pledge. Our partner companies also commit to exercising good business ethics by signing the pledges with us.

  • 05
    Money & Gift Receipt Reporting System

    LX Glas strictly prohibits gifting or receiving monetary or any other types of gifts from stakeholders for any reason. In case of unavoidable circumstances where money or gifts have been provided or received, employees are obligated to report the incident and, following the reporting process, return the gift. If that is not possible, employees are obligated to report to the Ethics Bureau.

  • 06
    Reporting Center

    LX Glas operates Cyber Sinmungo, which allows employees to report acts of corruption or any violations of Jeong-do Management principles, and an online channel on the company intranet to seek advice and make reports regarding cases of sexual harassment and bullying.